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Stock Information

Stock Information


(As of September 30, 2024)

Fiscal Year April 1 to March 31
Recorded shareholders on
this date are entitled
to year-end dividend payment.
March 31
Recorded shareholders on
this date are entitled
to interim dividend payment.
September 30
Ordinary Shareholders Meeting June
Transfer Agent Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Stock Exchange Listings Standard Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange
Securities Code 7702
ISIN Code JP3386050003
Authorized Number of Shares 65,000,000 Shares
Number of Shares Issued 24,733,466 Shares
Number of Shareholders 9,200
Public Notice Public notices shall be made available electronically via the Company’s website in Japanese. In the event that public notice cannot be made electronically such as an accident etc, public notice shall instead be made in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.


Distribution of Shareholders (As of September 30, 2024)



Shareholders Number of Shares holdings
(in thousands of shares)
Ratio of Shares holdings(%)
Financial Institutions 5,868 23.73%
Securities Firms 422 1.71%
Other Domestic Companies 7,485 30.26%
Foreign Companies etc 827 3.35%
Individual/others 9,900 40.02%
Domestic Individuals etc 229 0.93%

Major Shareholders
(As of September 30, 2024)


Name Number of Shares holdings
(in thousands of shares)
Percent of Total Shares Issued(%)
Kaneka Corporation 2,539 10.36
The Master Trust
Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust)
2,299 9.38
Tsuchiya Memorial
Medical Foundation
1,900 7.75
Saeko Tsuchiya 1,008 4.11
Senjukai, Social
Welfare Organization
1,000 4.08
The Hiroshima Bank Ltd. 895 3.65
JMS Kyoueikai 670 2.73
The Dai-Ichi Life
Insurance Company, Ltd.
645 2.63
Osimo Sangyo Co., Ltd. 571 2.33
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust) 560 2.28

*The shareholding ratio is calculated after deducting treasury stock (229,537 shares), and the fraction of odd-lot shares are rounded down.